The illuminated path, stretching out into the coming days, years, decades. Each step in the present blazes a trail to tread in the future. The creators of experience are the witnesses to that creation.
Rainbow moonstone, with its blue iridescence, enhances natural intuition. It forges a direct connection between primal instinct and refined intelligence. Labradorite also exhibits iridescence, indicating a natural synergy with moonstone. It serves to relieve anxiety and restore a steady, sustained sense of calm.
Lightning on the Horizon are handcrafted and charged under the auspices of a Grand Fire Trine, as the Sagittarian moon aspects Uranus in Aries and the Venus/Jupiter conjunction in Leo. This configuration grounds the potency of the Will in the pragmatism of earthly application. In other words, our most ardent desires find expression in conscious, strategic action. A certain sense of urgency propels us toward goals that have lingered too long in the safety of imagination. There also happened to be a rare electrical storm, here in Southern California on that day. But I'm sure that's just coincidence ...
Wear these talismans when you're ready to strive for loftier ideals than you've yet dared to believe attainable. They enhance foresight, strategic thought, calculation and creativity. They are particularly fond of innovators and risk-takers.